Welcome to my Make $100 A Day Answering Simple Questions blog post. We’re going to show you how to make $100 a day just answering questions. This is going to be easy. This is going to be free. This can be done no matter what country you’re from. And this can be done even if you are a 13-year old with braces on who’s still in grade school. Yep. You can make $100 daily answering questions online. It’s so easy and simple way of making money online.
You’ll be being sent the money one of 2 ways. You need either a bank account in which you can have the money deposited into or you need an address where you can actually have the checks sent over to your address. Those are the 2 ways to receive the money. You can make this happen. Yeah, you can do this on a smartphone too. So, I’ll show you the method right now. Let’s get it.
Introducing Myself :
I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.
Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog :
I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question.
The Money Making Method Works – Make $100 A Day Answering Simple Questions
This is called affiliate marketing. And the way affiliate marketing works is basically you have 3 different points, okay? You have an affiliate Network which has products which will you can sell and it will give you money. Then you have the affiliate, okay? Which are you? Which will be posting a link that you get from the affiliate network. And you will be putting that out there on the internet. So, that people can click on the link. So, this is the customer. Now, the customer clicks on the link and if they like the product, they will pay the affiliate network. And then the affiliate network pays you your commission. Now, that’s how it all works. Let’s see it in action.
The second part of this method is where do you post the link. Well we’re going to be posting a link on Q & A sites, okay? Because the sites out there where people have questions. And if we can answer their question and also offer them a product which will help them then we will not only help the person with an answer but we will help ourselves with money. So, what a better win-win situation? You help people and you make money. So, let me show you the mechanics of how this works.
Affiliate Networks– Make $100 A Day Answering Simple Questions
There are a lot of affiliate networks for working affiliate marketing.

Now, you want to sign up for this site called clickbank.com. This is an affiliate network. It pays out about 500 million dollars to affiliate marketers every single year. That’s the equivalent of one and a half million dollars every single day. This is a fraction of the money that’s being paid out.
This is going to be unbelievable. It’s amazing and it’s very simple. You’ll see. So, let’s make it happen. So, Clickbank. You’ll want to create an account, okay? I’m not going to walk you through creating an account but basically you create an account with them and you’re going to get a username. The next step is you go over to their affiliate marketplace. And you are going to click on their affiliate marketplace.
The super affiliate system. And we’re going to go in here and we’re going to click promote to get our links. Now, all you need to make of this is one sale per week to earn the equivalent of $100 per day. And in addition to that, you’ll also be receiving a recurring revenue of $262. Pretty neat.
Legendary Marketer:

Legendary Marketer is the best High Ticket Training Program at the present time. Here your commission start with $2.80 then $18, $89, $1,000 and many more. So, there’s some big-ticket Commission’s here. And they manage the whole funnel for you. All you are responsible for is getting people to their websites, okay? You don’t have to do any of the selling. Any of that stuff. You just have to get people to their websites.
I personally recommended you to join Legendary marketer. It’s The best no #1 business model at the present time. Not only you make money but also you’ll get a lot of training on how to increase your sales and conversion and how to run your business for a lifetime. I also promote Legendary Marketer and if you need any help I am always with you.
Shorten Your Affiliate Link– Make $100 A Day Answering Simple Questions
I recommend you do is you go to a site called bitly.com. And you can go right here, Bitly.com says create click-worthy links. And we’re going to post our link here. We’re going to click this button which says shorten. And it gives us a prettier link that still goes to the same affiliate page, okay? By using this site you can shorten your affiliate link for using comfortable.
My No, #1 Recommendation – Watch This Video:
Where You’ll Share Your Affiliate Link by Answering Questions:

Now, the next step is we’re going over to the site called Quora which is the number one question and answer site. And we’re going to find targeted questions that would relate to the product that we’re selling. Now, affiliate marketing… They’re you know or just all marketing. It’s really kind of like turning a key. You know, there’s… it’s like turning a key in a lock. You need to get every single switch right for it to unlock the result which is you know, in the door it’s a door opening or in our case, it’s money. So, making money. So, you have to get all these 3 things right. The first thing is targeting. You know, you have to be putting your message in front of the right people who are going to respond to the product you’re selling.
The second thing is you have to have the right message, okay? So, you have to have a proven message that people are going to want to click on and interact with. And the third thing is you’re going to want to give put a product in front of them that they are going to want to buy.
Read more…Make $100 A Day Answering Simple Questions
You get any of these 3 things wrong. You get the message wrong or you put the right message but you put it in front of the wrong people. Or you try to sell them the wrong product. You get any of these things wrong and nobody will buy. But you get them all right and it’s like turning a key and unlocking a door and the result… I get… Once again, it’s money and it’s really exciting. And it’s changed my life. It could change yours as well and you know, I really encourage you. You know, make sure you put this into action.

So, quora.com. And you can just go to it. You know, it’s easy. And this is a great site. This has very high-quality people. A lot of good stuff. But what you want to do. when you’re on the homepage, you’ll want to search for a couple of different topics. Now, I put the topics you’ll want to search for and provide answers to right here.
Make money online, affiliate marketing, online marketing, home business, Tai Lopez. You could even do other influencers. Such as you know, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, etc.

You know just to give you ideas. But these are questions you can answer. So, let’s look to make money right there. Okay?
We’re going to go in here. We’re just going to make a response to this. Now, because every question is different, you won’t necessarily be able to copy/paste everything. But we’re just going to be really simple here, okay? So, I’m not going to spend too much time on it. Okay, so here’s the question right now. We see thousands of people are following this. And but what we are interested in clicking on is this area answer right here. This is how we answer the question.

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There’s a great free training on how to get started as an affiliate here.” And what I’m going to do is I’m just going to copy my link. Put in a good answer. I’m going to paste my link right there. Then I will click Submit. Let’s see how this goes. And boom. We just posted our answer to a question. Now, you can go out and answer questions on all sorts of topics.
Give them a resource of how they can work for themselves. And put your affiliate link there. Same thing with all of these things. You could say, “How did Tai Lopez become so rich?” And he became rich through affiliate marketing. And you could put a link on how to train people with affiliate marketing. Tony Robbins. You know as Tony Robbins a scam or a con artist? You could answer that question. And then you could say, “Tony Robbins teaches a lot about working for yourself.
Here’s the best program I found. Or here’s a program I found of how you can work for yourself.” And put a link there. There is a million in one way you can post your link it is so easy. It’s so easy. It’s free. And the options are limitless. You can go on these sites and just post away and over time, you’ll get more clicks on your link.
My Final Thoughts:
We’re going to have fun doing this. And as always guys, there are so many opportunities to make money on the internet. I’m showing them every single day. There’s no reason you should be going to college. Drop out of school, quit your job. Because your job is no good for you if you don’t like it. If you dread going to work every day, if you don’t like your boss, if you don’t enjoy your commute; you can be working for yourself. You can do this. There is… All the information is out there. You just have to take action and start treading your own path. Because you can do this. You can take back control into your own mind. You can take back control of your own work. And you can also take back control of technology.
Because right now, for the majority of the world, technology is controlling you. Your notifications on your phone. How many of you have ever just kind of just sat there and just picked up your phone and you didn’t know why? But you just picked it up for no reason. And then you started looking scrolling through news feeds or Instagram feeds. Because technology is controlling you. But what I’m showing you is away. So, instead of technology controlling you, you can control it. And you can control it and you can make money doing this. Let’s face it. Life was meant to be lived with your family, with your friends, with your hobbies in nature. Life was not meant to be scrolling through news feeds. So, grow your mind. Spend time learning.
My No #1 Recommendation :
For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin…
Start Your Online Business and Get High-Ticket Commissions Using Other People’s Product. Take Action Fast. >> How I Make $10,000 Per Month for FREE Without Any Hard Work >>
“If you have any questions about this method then don’t hesitate to comment. Stay Tuned with My Blog for Getting Various Latest Methods of Making Money Online”.
Raju Bhadra.
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